Princess Charlotte’s favourite snack is surprising for an eight-year-old

The Princess of Wales frequently discusses her three young children and their favourite pastimes when she makes an appearance at her engagements.

Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis are clearly modelled after the Princess in many ways, from their love of athletics to their enjoyment of cooking.

Princess Charlotte, eight, is more like her mother than anybody else though, since the two of them both adore a snack that is surprising for someone so young.

When Kate went to Great Ormond Street Hospital in 2018 to open a new medical facility, Rafael Chana, four, was awaiting a heart transplant there.

Speaking about their favourite snacks and meals, Kate said: “I used to eat lots and lots of olives when I was little as well”.

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Princess Charlotte obviously got that from her mother because the young Princess also enjoys munching on olives.

In 2019 when Kate paid a visit to Lavender Primary School, she struck up a conversation with the students and shared that “Charlotte loves olives.”

But in addition to this highly sophisticated snack, the eight-year-old enjoys cheesy pasta, a favourite among her family.

During her visit to Lavender Primary School, Kate shared that her children enjoy getting their hands dirty and cooperating while helping their mother in the kitchen.

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They are all said to perform certain tasks in the preparation of one of their favourite dishes, cheesy pasta.

Matthew Kleiner-Mann, the chief executive of the Ivy Learning Trust, said after Kate’s visit to the school in 2019: “One stirs the flour, one puts the milk and butter in. She was telling us how much her children love cooking and how they cook for her.”

When Kate went to the London Early Years Foundation in Stockwell Gardens Nursery in 2021, she discussed her children’s breakfast preferences.

The school manager Michelle Samuels explained: “[She] mentioned to three of the children that her own children enjoy apples and cereal in the morning, which sparked a conversation with the children about their own preference of fruits.”

Prince William claimed that Prince George’s favourite dish is spaghetti carbonara while he was working with famous chef Aldo Zilli at the youth homelessness charity Centrepoint.

Mr Zilli said: “I’m waiting for the call because apparently his little boy’s favourite is spaghetti carbonara, so I’m waiting for the call to go and cook for him.”

Kate has previously stated that Prince Louis, her youngest son, enjoys a certain vegetable. She discussed her children’s dietary choices with TV chef Dame Mary Berry a few years ago.

The Princess said: “We’ve got carrots, beans, beetroot – a massive favourite – Louis absolutely loves beetroot.”

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