People in Yorkshire are biggest softies in Britain – when it comes to spicy food

Yorkshire folk are the biggest softies in Britain – when it comes to handling spicy food, according to a study. Just 56 percent of those from God’s Own Country claim to be able to tolerate heat – the lowest percentage in the UK – with 15 percent never going hotter than a masala.

Meanwhile, London emerged as the spice capital of the UK – with 79 percent enjoying the hotter varieties, followed by the West Midlands and Scotland.

The survey of 2,000 adults found Northern Ireland, the East of England, and the East Midlands, are also among the least tolerant of hot foods.

However, 32 percent of all adults polled love spice so much, they add it to more traditional dishes, such as spaghetti Bolognese or lasagne.

The research was commissioned by Dolmio, and also revealed that 38 percent are eating out less often.

The sauce brand has partnered with Wes Nelson to launch a culinary experience for spicy food fans, called “Brunch with a Punch”.

Love Island star Wes said: “When it comes to food, I’m all about dishes with heat – extra hot curries, chillies in my spag bol. You name it, I’ll eat it.

“So, I’m buzzing to be part of a brunch that’s all about the bolder flavours. I look forward to bringing the heat with my set, too.”

The study also revealed a quarter of adults often experiment with adding spices to their homemade dishes, with 54 percent enjoying the sensation of heat and spice while eating.

Drinking water (40 percent) or milk (16 percent), and eating a yogurt (14 percent), are among the most favoured methods used to help cool down a burning hot mouth.

It also found 25 percent are now more experimental when it comes to their spice tastes – but 39 percent said while they enjoy it, they do have to take regular breaks if the food is very spicy.

Almost two-thirds believe people’s preferences for spicy food is influenced by where they live or are from.

And of those who took part in the study, carried out via OnePoll, three in ten have been in a relationship with someone who had the opposite spice tolerance to them.

Sian Gavin, spokeswoman for Mars Food, makers of Dolmio, which has launched a new range of “Intensify” pasta sauces, said: “The nation’s love for hotter foods is a testament to its appetite for adventure and flavour – and this dining experience will not disappoint.

“There’s much fun to be had with Dolmio’s Intensify range, and we’re excited to inspire people with bold dishes that they can recreate at home – whether that’s brunch or beyond.”

“Brunch with a Punch” takes place at Barrio, Covent Garden on Sunday, October 22, and at Menagerie, Manchester on Sunday, October 29.

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